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Working principle of heat exchanger unit

2021-11-26 10:48:59

We all know, but few people know the working principle of the heat exchanger unit, and there are many kinds of media of the heat exchanger unit. Different media have different heat exchange effects, and their uses are also different. At present, the uses are mainly divided into domestic hot water and heating, especially in winter. Today, there are more people buying different media. Let's talk about the difference between water and soda. Let's take water first, Water is mainly hot water on one side and tap water on the other side (domestic water). Generally, cold water goes through the shell side and hot water goes through the pipe side. Because cold water is not easy to scale, the flow section in the pipe space is smaller than that outside the pipe, and the fluid is easy to reach the ideal flow rate. Generally, water contains: pressure gauge, thermometer, safety valve, temperature control valve, blowdown valve, etc. Let's take a look at steam and water, Steam water is to exchange the heat in steam (usually boiler steam) into water to raise the temperature of water. For example, the current urban central heating, whether it is central air conditioning, water heating, floor heating and other heating methods, all need hot water as the heat source, and the hot water from the boiler has high heat, small flow and slow temperature rise, which can not be used for urban heating, so we have to convert the steam heat of the boiler into hot water for heating

The heat exchanger unit is a part of the refrigeration system, which can convert gas or steam into liquid and transfer the heat in the pipe to the air near the pipe in a fast way. The working process of the condenser is an exothermic process, so the condenser temperature is high. The mechanical part of the refrigeration system belongs to a kind of, which can convert gas or vapor into liquid and transfer the heat in the pipe to the air near the pipe in a fast way. The working process of the condenser is an exothermic process, so the condenser temperature is high.

Heat exchanger unit

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